Electricity Outage and Cyber Espionage in Ukraine Connected – ESET


NEW DELHI, INDIA: Researchers at ESET have found a connection between the recent cyber-attacks against energy companies in Ukraine in December 2015 and the attacks on media and Ukrainian government agencies. Analysing the KillDisk malware used in the attacks, ESET researchers found out that the new variant of this malware contained some additional functionality for sabotaging industrial systems.

On December 23 2015, around 700 thousand people in half the homes in the Ivano-Frankivsk region in Ukraine were left without electricity for several hours. ESET researchers discovered that the power outage was not an isolated incident. Other power distribution companies in Ukraine were targeted by cyber-criminals at the same time. According to ESET researchers, the attackers have been using the BlackEnergy backdoor to plant a KillDisk component onto the targeted computers that would render them unbootable.

 The BlackEnergy backdoor trojan is modular and employs various downloadable components to carry out specific tasks. In 2014, it was used in a series of cyber-espionage attacks against high-profile, government-related targets in Ukraine. In the recent attacks against electricity distribution companies, a destructive KillDisk trojan was downloaded and executed on systems previously infected with the BlackEnergy trojan.

The first known link between BlackEnergy and KillDisk was reported by the Ukrainian cyber-security agency, CERTUA, in November 2015. In that instance, a number of news media companies were attacked at the time of the 2015 Ukrainian local elections. The report claims that a large number of video materials and various documents have been destroyed as a result of the attack.

The KillDisk variant used in the recent attacks against Ukrainian power distribution companies also contained some additional functionality. In addition to being able to delete system files to make the system unbootable – functionality typical for such destructive trojans – this particular variant contained code specifically intended to sabotage industrial systems. “Apart from the regular KillDisk functionality, it would also try to terminate processes that may belong to a platform commonly used in Industrial Control Systems,” said Anton Cherepanov, Malware researcher at ESET.

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